Tuesday 12 March 2013

Port Swettenham PMK to Captain Harvey of MV Benarmin

The Southeast Asian (SEA) Games owes its origins to the Southeast Asian Peninsular (SEAP) Games or in Malay language, Sukan Semenanjung Asia Tenggara (SAT). This is the FDC in commemoration to the 3rd SEAP Games held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 1965.

The stamps were cancelled with two Port Swettenham postmarks dated December 14 1965. Port Swettenham is now known as Port Klang, the largest and busiest port in Malaysia, also one of the busiest transshipment ports in the world.

With the Port Swettenham postmarks, it makes much more sense to have the cover addressed to the actual port itself. This one was addressed to Captain J C Harvey, the captain of a vessel by the name of MV Benarmin.

Below is an interesting news I found regarding Captain J C Harvey and MV Benarmin as published by the Philippine Herald.

Date acquired: 1 March 2013
Place acquired from: United Kingdom

Disclaimer: I am not a Philatelist. I'm collecting stamps and covers just as a hobby. All my writings here are done based on my own non-exhaustive research. Please do your own research and do not take the articles here as formal references. I welcome any comments or critics if any of the information here are incorrect or misguided.